Monday, January 5, 2009

Sparkly Eyes

I've promised some of you that have the Ultimate Blockbuster (go get yourself one, already!) to provide lessons in applying make-up you wouldn't typically wear. The fun with the Ulimate Blockbuster is you can try all sorts of things without buying new make-up to try it. I'm serious. You will love it, even if you don't wear much make-up. I LOVE MINE (as if you couldn't tell).

So today's, sparkly eyes that work for both day and night. You might have seen this newest trend on Thandie Newton, Jessica Alba, Kate Bosworth, and Charlize Theron (and Gini Dietrich, if you work with me).

Step-by-step directions:
1. Outline your eyes either with concealer or Benefit Eye Bright and gently smudge in with your pinky.

2. Using a shadow brush (even the one that comes with eyeshadow will work), apply gold cream eyeshadow to your upper lids. Just a swipe; it's really just to hold the color so just apply enough that will be covered with eyeliner.

3. Take an angled brush and dip in water and then in brown eyeshadow. Draw a line on your upper lashes, just like you would with an eyeliner pencil. Then dab onto lower lids.

4. Using a soft eyeshadow brush, dab into gold, sparkly eyeshadow and place gently in the corners of your eyes.

5. Apply two coats of mascara.


If you've never used wet eyeshadow as eyeliner, it may take a try or two, but it lasts longer and looks better than eyeliner.

Let me know how you do!


  1. OK, so I tried it and it does not look like the photo so will have to put more on. Great directions!

  2. How thick do you want the top liner? How do you get the smudge look on the bottom?

  3. I only do a dab on the bottom. And the top depends on if it's day or night. If it's day, I just do a little line and dab the glittery in the corners. If it's night, I'll do a thicker line.
